Remembering Rock: March 2022

Ministry Update:
As anyone in the northeast knows, the month of March can be a bit unpredictable; 60 degree days and sunshine can quickly turn into a winter storm, and snow accumulating again on the ground. Here at camp, it holds both the final retreats of winter, as well as looking ahead and escalating the preparations for the summer of ministry ahead.
As we wrap up our winter retreats for the year we are so thankful for groups that have returned, for new ministry relationships begun and ultimately the lives that were changed by God here at camp. With those moments fresh in our minds, we are excited for what the year will bring, the way God will use summer weeks of camp, and for the many opportunities to experience truth, community, and change in this new season.
We appreciate your prayer, your support of the ministry, and your encouragement as we celebrate what God has done, and anticipate His continued work in the months ahead

Prayer Requests:
- Pray for our summer staff team; that God would provide the staff needed to serve our guests and campers and He would be working in them to prepare them for their ministry this summer.
- Pray for our upcoming Spring season, much of which is spent preparing and planning for the summer. Pray that it would be productive and purposeful for maximum ministry impact in the busy months ahead.
- Pray for the ongoing ministry opportunities we have at camp this month; off-site lasertag events, Spring retreats, and conversations with guest group leaders and staff.

- We are thankful for a full and “normal” winter retreat season. It was a blessing to see church groups able to gather again!
- We are so thankful for the many seasonal staff that serve with us; we had a wonderful team serving our guests throughout the winter.
- Our summer is quickly filling up! We are excited with so many campers registering for RMBC programs and some new guest groups on the calendar!
The best thing about Rock Mountain is…
Do I have to pick just one? As a leader I felt fully supported by your staff. Everyone was friendly and it was clear you guys were on mission to serve Christ and love your guests. It was so comforting to know that our kids were in great hands.
-Winter Retreat Group Leader